Training on Available Services

Overview: All New Users of Parnassus Flow Cytometry Core (PFCC) are required to go through onboarding before requesting or scheduling any services. Additionally, before utilizing any of the self-use equipment in the PFCC you must be trained, or show proficiency, to fulfill the Basic Training requirements. We train users on Flow Cytometry and Mass Cytometry equipment. Also, please be reminded that all users that access the Core are required to comply with UCSF Biosafety training.

Recommendation: If you plan on using any of the self-use equipment less than once per month, you may consider utilizing the Operator Assistance service instead.


All New users of PFCC are required to attend the Onboarding Session to make sure all users are aware of the facility policies and instrument procedures.  Please visit the New Users page for the initial steps to get started.

If you analyze or sort infrequently and feel that it is not worth learning how to use these instruments, an option is to request Operator Assistance to have a Flow Core Staff member run your samples for you. Keep in mind, the Team's availability can be limited, this option will offer you less flexibility.

The Core provides a variety of educational options to meet the Basic Training requirements. Upon completion of an instrument’s Basic Training, you will be able to schedule your first use Proficiency Assessment and start self-utilizing any instrument listed under that service. We encourage practice runs before you do a real experiment. If you feel your training session wasn’t enough and you think you need more instruction, please ask and let us know, we recommend asking Operator Assistance if that is the case.  We are here to help you, to make sure you get the most out of these technologies, and to get the job done right.

If you are experienced and feel comfortable running the instruments on your own, we only require your attendance at the Onboarding Session and upon your first use, schedule your Proficiency Assessment to update your permission level to Trained and start self-utilizing any instrument listed under that service.

We also offer more in-depth Advance Training for the different technologies available. If that is what you would prefer, you can find our current Training Course model, updated fees by clicking on the respective pages.

Please note Since Feb 1, 2020 all training registrations are done through iLab either under "Schedule Instrument" tab for class sessions or "Service Request" tab for one-on-one hands-on training.

Should you have any questions about Training at PFCC, please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing: [email protected] .