Frequently Ask Questions
Here you will be able to find the answers to the most common questions.
Q. How do I get started?
Q. Can the Core process samples before they get on the instruments?
No, not at this time. The user is repsonsible for processing their own samples. If you are interested in this type of sample processing service to be added, please send the Director an email, so we can document the request for that type of service. In the interim, if you are looking for a full service where they will consult, process, run samples, and/or analyze, please see here for the Core Immunology Lab (CIL).
Q. How do I request access to the Core's listserv?
Access to the listserv is provide to internal/external users only. You can request subscribe to UCSF Flowcytometry Listserv [email protected] by contacting us via e-mail. Please email [email protected] with the subject line: "Requesting access to FlowCytometry Listserv".
Q. I am having trouble getting started with iLab, what should I do?
UCSF has selected iLab solutions as the enterprise-wide core facility management system to replace MyCores. RRP is supporting this management system, to find more details please visit:
- For general iLab information:
- View Getting started with iLab: see webinars
- Quick guides for users on: How to use a Core Facility
- Quick guides for PI's / Lab Managers: How to manage a Group/Lab
If you are still having trouble accessing iLab, or you would like to expedite your request please reach out to UCSF's iLab Helpdesk at [email protected] .
Q. How do I get associated to my PI's group?
During the registration process, certain institutions allow users to select the PI they work with. When a user selects you as their PI, the PI will need to update the membership request. Quick guides for PI's / Lab Managers can be found here How to manage a Group/Lab , essentially:
Approve a User’s Membership Request to the lab upon registration:
- From the Menu at top, left side corner.
- Hover above "My Groups" and select respective Lab Group name.
- Select "Membership Request & Speedtypes" tab.
- PI can choose to 'Accept' or 'Reject' the membership request. If accepted, the user will be added to the group/lab. The PI/Lab Manager will then be able to assign funding to the user.
If you already have an iLab account, and are associated to a different lab or in need to be associated to an additional lab you can request access by clicking on Menu > ‘My Group’ -> ‘Request Access’ and search for the lab that you need access for to receive access to multiple labs. If you run into any issues please email UCSF's iLab Helpdesk at [email protected] .
Q. How do I update my iLab role to Lab Manager?
Please submit the request through UCSF's iLab Helpdesk at [email protected] , add any relevant information, and CC your PI.
Q. How do I get speedtypes added to my profile?
If you want to add speedtypes to your profile, you’ll need your PI or whomever they’ve delegated as the Lab manager role to do it through iLab. Quick guides for PI's / Lab Managers can be found here How to manage a Group/Lab , essentially:
Add/Change a User’s Associated Speedtype
1. From the Menu at top, left side corner.
2. Hover above "My Groups" and select respective Lab Group name.
3. Select "Membership Request & Speedtypes" tab.
4. Use the interface to assign/unassign access to funds for each of your group members (the "Fund Grid").
If you are still having trouble accessin iLab, or you would like to expedite your request please reach out to UCSF's iLab Helpdesk at [email protected] .
Q. I see my speedtype has a Warning with an expiration date, can I still use it to schedule instruments?
No. Please do not use any speedtypes that may have an expiration date on the concurrent month. Any speedtype with an expiration date before the next billing cycle occurs (2nd day of following month) will not be able to be processed.
Q. How can I view multiple instrument's schedule to find available time more easily?
The easiest way is to either use the <Reservations> tab (calendars display vertically) or the <Timeline view> option (calendars displayed horizontally).

Q. How do I edit, modify, or cancel my time?
You can perform this actions on your side. Login to your iLab account and select the respective reservation. See here for scheduling and cancellation rules.
Q. Will I be charged for the entire scheduled time even if I finish early?
Yes, we bill by scheduled or actual, whichever is greater, in order to provide experimental flexability. Try not to overbook or block times. See here for more info on rules and scheduling.
Q. Can I cancel after the fact or reduce my time if I finish early?
No, we bill by scheduled or actual, whichever is greater, in order to provide experimental flexability. Try not to overbook or block times. See here for more info on rules and scheduling.
Q. Can you adjust the times for billing if someone went into my time?
Yes. Please contact us and let us know. We know the usage can go over and under, but if it's over 15 minutes, then the proper party should be charged. Please book the appropriate time.
Q. Can you adjust the times for billing if someone else wants my excess time?
Yes. Please contact us and let us know along with the other user who wants the excess time.
coming soon:
Flow Cytometry
Sample Prep
Cell Sorters
Instrument setup
Running samples
Data Analysis
Long term studies
Standardizing multiple instruments
Software requests, RRP, Find Core
Mass Cytometry