Flow Cytometry | Analyzers
In this section you will find information related with all the Flow Cytometry Analyzers and respective services currently available at the Parnassus Flow Cytometry Core, these are:
- Self analysis on the FACSCalibur
- Self analysis on the LSRII / Fortessa / X20
- Self analysis on the FACSymphony
- Self analysis on the Aurora
- Self analysis on the Luminex 200
- Self analysis on the Nanosight NS300
This LINK contains the configurations of all instruments in the Core.
The Summary Table will provide a matrix of all the key features of each instrument. Click on the nickname link of a specific instrument to get a more detailed layout. Tabs are also at the bottom listing the machine nicknames. It is essential for planning your experiments and seeing if an instrument can detect your specific markers. Please contact us if you have any questions or are in need of a specific filter set or setup for your experiments.
Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week.
Training: All Self Analysis users need to fulfill Basic Training requirements. Click HERE.
Assistance: If you run samples infrequently, it is recommended to request Assistance to have a Flow Core staff member run samples for you. Click HERE.
Rates: Click HERE.
Scheduling: Click HERE.
Data Analysis: Raw data is in a FCS file format. For analysis options, click HERE.
Self Analysis on the FACSCalibur
The BD FACSCalibur is a flow cytometer analyzer equipped with 2 lasers, generating data of up to 6 parameters for each event passing through the interrogation point.
Analysis occurs at the cuvette flow cell, increasing sensitivity and resolution, allowing detection of 2 relative physical properties as well as up to 4 different colors simultaneously. It can be run at 3 different sample flow rates and is capable of analysis rates of up to 20,000 events per second. It is operated using CellQuest Pro Software and is available for all labs to use.
Self Analysis on the LSRII / Fortessa / X20
The BD LSRII, Fortessa, and X-20 class of instruments are flow cytometer analyzers equipped with 4 or more lasers, generating data of up to 20 parameters for each event passing through the interrogation point.
The LSRII, Fortessa, and X-20 appear different, but the operation and workflow are performed in the same manner on all instrument types. Some are also equipped to take the High Throughput Sampler (HTS) for 96 and even 384 well type plates. Analysis occurs at the cuvette flow cell, increasing sensitivity and resolution, allowing detection of 2 relative physical properties as well as up to 18 different colors simultaneously. It can be run at 3 different sample flow rates with a fine-tune adjustor and is capable of analysis rates of up to 40,000 events per second. They are all operated using FACSDiva Software and are available for all labs to use.
High-throughput sampler (HTS) is available in some of these instruments, and the Core provides a logistical training to help you run it.