Contact List
*** Please be aware there are certain limitations and new guidelines due to COVID-19 pandemic. Please visit our for the latest information regarding the guidelines and support during the COVID-19 pandemic . **
Who to Contact?
For general questions please email [email protected]. Use this email for any pre/post experimental consultations, account setup, scheduling, Assistance, Guidance requests, flow cytometry related issues, billing, feedback, or anything else.
For Training questions please email [email protected]; if you are a new user to PFCC please start HERE.
Email response time: please allow for 24 hrs response time from the Core staff. Any requests made less than the required advanced notice may not be able to be accommodated.
Call or email if you are having flow cytometer problems and need help. If you are spending more than 5 minutes trying to troubleshoot a problem on the instrument and are unsuccessful, contact the Help Line at this number: 415-745-2150 (this is not a UCSF internal number). If no one answers, please leave your name and contact information in the voicemail, so we can call you back. We will do our best to accomodate your request if after hours.
Subscribe to UCSF Parnassus FlowCytometry communities:
Listserv: [email protected]
To receive important notification of changes and new events please contact us via e-mail to be added to the listserv. Email to [email protected] with the subject line: "Requesting access to FlowCytometry Listserv".
Teams: UCSF/Gladstone Cytometry Community
Engage with other Flow Cytometrist at UCSF/Gladstone. The goal of this community is for sharing tips/tricks, protocols, ask questions inter- or multi-campus level. Develop a community shared document repository. Login to, and sign in to Teams. Then Click <Join or create team> and use TEAM JOIN CODE “0eoo8vs” or search by name: UCSF/Gladstone Cytometry Community
The Flow Team:
Ian Teng Kwong
Reseach Associate
Room: S854A
Email: [email protected]
Estefania Vargas Alejandre
Research Technologist
Room: S854A
Email: [email protected]
Phone/Text: 415-412-5858
Jenna Sloan
Research Technologist
Room: S854A
Email: [email protected]
Phone/Text: 415-939-8195
Pricsilla Sanchez
Research Technologist
Room: S854A
Email: [email protected]
Phone/Text: 415-307-1922
Tamara Roach, PhD
Research Specialist
Room: S854A
Email: [email protected]
Phone/Text: 415-412-3003
Stanley Tamaki, PhD
Mass Cytometry Manager
Room: S854A
Email: [email protected]
Phone/Text: 415-713-2314
Vinh Nguyen
Room: S854A
Email: [email protected]
Cell Phone/Text: 415-307-0922
Faculty Advisory Board
Mark Anderson, Jason Cyster, Max Krummel, Peter Hunt, Michael Lee, Richard Locksley, Clifford Lowell, Matthew Spitzer, & Qizhi Tang
Advisory Board Alumni
Abul Abbas, Julie Auger, Jeffrey Bluestone, Elizabeth Sinclair, & Emmanuelle Passegue
Staff Alumni
Claudia Bispo, Cassandra Belair, Tomoko Kakegawa-Peech, Svetlana Kraus, Nofar Marom, Jodi Cline, Cassandra Adams, Anthony Jose, Michael Kissner, Ninnia Lescano, Joey Leung, Jonathan Paw, Tara Rambaldo, & Aaron Schroeder
Mailing Address
University of California, San Francisco
513 Parnassus Avenue San Francisco, CA 94143
Medical Sciences Builiding Room S854A, Box #0578