Parnassus Flow Cytometry CoLab



Our Mission

The Parnassus Flow Cytometry CoLab, exists to provide the UCSF research community valuable resources in the field of flow and mass cytometry and operates under the following directives: 

  1. Provide assistance and exceptional customer service to researchers along with acquisition, setup, maintenance, and support of instrumentation. 
  2. Teach users the information they need to know as well as provide them with the opportunity to learn more details should they request it. 
  3. Monitor research and development opportunities, experiment with novel techniques, and test new equipment. 
  4. Consolidate and bring UCSF flow cytometry groups together and standardize practices.

The DRC subsidizes the cost for DRC members and financially supports project development for all users. Please inform us if you publish using data obtained from our facility. If you have used any instrument in our Core please aknowledge it in your work. When you succeed, we succeed. Your publications help support our center grant which assists in keeping this Flow Cytometry Facility running.


Are you a New User of PFCC?

Please visit the NEW USERS page for instructions on how to get started.


Please remember to acknowledge the Core and our support grants in your papers if you are using equipment, services, expertise, or data generated at the laboratory. For detailed information, and general templates please click here